Where do you get pain in foot

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Turf toe or football toe

Sportsmen deal with tremendous physical and mental strain and pain that the sportspersons undergo all of their lives, even after strenuous sports activities are long over. The pain endured by them can border on the phenomenal. Every move and play on the field is fraught with risk and danger, sprained muscles, twisted tendons, torn ligaments etc. are very common in sports. However, the legs bear the maximum brunt of the injury risks. Since the entire body is balanced on the legs, the strain on the legs is also huge. The feet also suffer with digits and metatarsals suffering from tears, breaks and sprains in muscles and bones in these areas.

The toes are the most affected in most sports activities. Toe pain, toe injuries, turf toe, and football toe are very familiar to all sportspersons. Putting ice on the feet, taping the legs and feet, injection of painkillers, steroids etc. are the normal remedies offered by the trainers and physiotherapists in case of toe injuries. Still, these are only temporary measures. They neither provide a long-term solution nor give complete relief from the pain for continuing the sports activity immediately or on an ongoing basis.

Turf toe or football toe occurs when the phalanges and the metatarsals in the legs become injured during the sports activity. When the joint between them is strained or sprained, the toes are forced to face unbearable pain. If bones crack or break, the ordeal could be very intolerable and might require immediate medical attention and complete rest for several days. However, in case of mild injuries, the normal remedy offered is ice packing. The cold ice numbs the toes, particular the big toe, thus making the ball joint stiff. This leads to further aggravation of the injury if the sportsperson continues. On the other hand, if the toes were kept warm, then the blood circulation to the big toe would keep it properly lubricated. This would not only reduce the pain but also prevent more risk.

As such, any treatment of the turf toe or football toe should address all the problems that could occur to the toes. It is important to note which of the following symptoms are present.

Swollen big toe
Stiff big toe
Sore big toe
Jammed big toe
Bruised or discoloured toe
Pain on the ball of the foot

The treatment would vary according to one or more of the above conditions. Still, all of them require immediate medical attention. The actual treatment would depend on the severity of the injury or damage to the toes, particularly the big toe. Heat treatment for five minutes, such as placing a hot water bottle on the area or a heat pack, followed by ice treatment such as an ice pack or packet of frozen peas, put on the affected area, for a further five minutes. This alternating heat/cold treatment should be repeated up to ten times a day, whilst symptoms are present. Also with the support/recommendation of a G.P. or Foot health professional N.S.A.I.D’s inflammation reducing drugs could be used to reduce swelling.

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