Where do you get pain in foot

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Pain in foot - Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis, a pain in foot, causes and treatments
Plantar fasciitis is a cause of pain in foot or feet. It can be treated with both exercise and drug therapy, although the longer it is left untreated the worse the condition will become. The foot should be rested and drug therapy should be used from a G.P. or Consultant. This usually takes the form of N.S.A.I.D’s or steroids. There are also pain relief creams on the market which can be used to compliment these drugs, although care should be taken not to overdose if there are N.S.A.I.D’s in the creams and these are also taken orally in the form of tablets of capsules.
Following rest an exercise program should be followed in order to stretch and strengthen the tight muscles that are causing the condition. These exercises should be developed with/by a professional physiotherapist. This is because the wrong kind of exercise will just make the problem worse.
The condition is very painful but if caught in time and the correct form of rest, pain relief and muscle stretching/strengthening program is followed, the condition is easily treated and managed.

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