Where do you get pain in foot

Wednesday 5 January 2011


  1. Bunions involve enlargement and repositioning of joints at the ball of the foot, on one or both feet.This could be either hereditry or from wearing innapropriate footwear or a combination of both. 
  2. Bunions most commonly affect women, but can also be found in men..
  3. Bunions may or may not cause pain and /or other symptons such as redness or swelling symptoms.
  4. Treatment of bunions can include rest, alteration of footwear, foot supports, medications, and/or surgery.

Any signs of skin breakdown or infection around the bunion area, will require antibiotics. Also this and any otherchanges should be checked out by a G.P. or Foot health professional. When the measures above are effective in relieving symptoms, patients should avoid agreivating the bunion again by wearing appropriate footwear and foot care.Including the use of 'bunion socks', at night to try and correct the joint 'turn'. For those whose bunions cause persisting pain, a surgical operation could be considered. Surgical procedures can correct deformity and relieve pain leading to improved foot  function. These procedures typically involve removing the bony growth of the bunion while realigning the big toe. Surgery is often, but not always successful, and failure to relieve pain can result from the big toe moving back to its deviated position before theoperation, although this is rare. Proper footwear and activity restrictions can reduce the chances of surgical failure.

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