Where do you get pain in foot

Friday 31 December 2010

Neuroma - Pain in foot

  Neuroma by definition is a benign tumour made up of scar tissue pressing on nerve cells, it is most commonly found between the 3rd and 4th Metatarsal heads, but can be found between any of the others.The main cause is from irritation / compression of nerves in this area. This could be due to badly fitted or designed footwear or overpronunciation.

  Symptoms can feel like hot stabbing, shooting pain with tingling or numbness exteding into affected met heads into toes.Pain can be intermittant and is much more commonly found in women. Overpronunciation- rolling in of the foot, causes movement in the shoe. Therefore the metatarsal bones have more movement. This is why the nerves that run between the heads get irritated and become red,inflamed and painful.

  Treatments: if you get shooting or stabbing pain, take off shoes, rub / massage affected area of foot. Ice / heat application - 5 mins cold compression followed by 5 mins heat application, repeated five to ten times through a day. This will help with relieving inflamation.If the affected foot is left untreated the pain in foot / feet could become so unbearable, walking could become difficult or even unbearable.Appropriate shoes should be worn. These would need to control motion - the rear and forefoot of shoes need stability. The toebox should be sufficiantly wide enough so as not to compress the met heads. Drug therapy could include steroid injections. Also orthotics could give the arch support. Surgery could be an answer to remove the tumour which consists of benign scar tissue.
  At all costs high pointed toe shoes should be avoided. Get some practical shoes and give your feet a break.!!


Thursday 30 December 2010

Pain in foot - Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis, a pain in foot, causes and treatments
Plantar fasciitis is a cause of pain in foot or feet. It can be treated with both exercise and drug therapy, although the longer it is left untreated the worse the condition will become. The foot should be rested and drug therapy should be used from a G.P. or Consultant. This usually takes the form of N.S.A.I.D’s or steroids. There are also pain relief creams on the market which can be used to compliment these drugs, although care should be taken not to overdose if there are N.S.A.I.D’s in the creams and these are also taken orally in the form of tablets of capsules.
Following rest an exercise program should be followed in order to stretch and strengthen the tight muscles that are causing the condition. These exercises should be developed with/by a professional physiotherapist. This is because the wrong kind of exercise will just make the problem worse.
The condition is very painful but if caught in time and the correct form of rest, pain relief and muscle stretching/strengthening program is followed, the condition is easily treated and managed.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Capusilitis- how it causes pain in foot and it's treatment

Capsulitis of the foot, how it causes pain in foot and it’s treatment
Capsulitis of the foot caused by the inflammation of the capsule ligament. This capsule ligament surrounds the base of a toe, and as it’s name states it forms a capsule around the base and helps the toe to function and perform. The condition - Capsulitis, commonly affects the second toe and can weaken the ligaments so much that the actual toe can become dislocated. In order for the treatment of the condition to be effective early diagnosis and or treatment is imperative. This condition can cause a severe pain in foot or feet. There are several causes of this condition including; bunion deformities, badly designed footwear and arch problems amongst other aggravators, including auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis .
Symptoms include; Stiffness in affected joint, pain in foot when barefoot, swelling in base of affected toe joint, pain in ball of foot, deformed toe and the swelling causing difficulty in wearing normal shoes. Of course diagnosis must be made by a G.P. or Podiatry specialist/consultant. Diagnosis is usually aided or confirmed by ultrasound scan or x-rays.
Advice to reduce symptoms and ease discomfort includes;
Rest the affected foot or feet in order to reduce pain in foot.
Steroid capsules or injections or N.S.A.I.D’s can be used to reduce swelling and or pain.
Apply ice packs at equal time lapses up to five times a day.
Using toe straightening taping techniques or special socks to straighten affected toes.
Surgical intervention to correct affected toe.
Exercise to correct arch or calf problems.
This condition can cause considerable pain in the foot and long-term pain can be very debilitating, therefore it should not be dismissed as a non descript or inconsequential problem. Please comment if you have any experience or advice on living or dealing with this kind of pain. Your experience could help someone else.

Monday 27 December 2010

different pain in foot / feet

Complication of bottom of foot pain can affect anyone else but timely treatment bids a farewell to such common problematic condition. If you find yourself under a grip of pain over the bottom of your foot, explore actual cause of such trauma, for nabbing a real culprit causing foot pain has got to provide you a faster relief from persisting pain. If you are frazzled of a pain of bottom of your foot taking it as a serious complication, recover yourself from such paranoia as even a traumatic condition of bottom of foot can be tackled easily.Go through what we’ve divulged in this piece of editorial on a pain of foot bottom and see how effectively you manage to cope with the bottom pain of the foot. 
Those vulnerable to the pain of bottom of foot oftentimes experience a high intensity pain especially on rising from bed in the morning. A few painful symptoms of the bottom of foot are aching, tingling, burning sensation or sharp pain. Instead of deluding you with a rhetorical-dose I would like to draw your attention over the actual cause of pain over the bottom of foot and some effective ways to get rid of such complication. Those who suffer from a traumatic condition of theirs feet experiencing a vigorous pain on the bottom of their foot should monitor their entire pain-stricken foot and proceed to take any remedial step. If you notice a swelling over the heel accompanied by reddishness then you should take such of yours traumatic condition stemming from a few specific conditions causing a pain on the bottom of foot. The info we are sharing in this article on foot pain are only to help you understand the complication and get rid of it by consulting a doctor.

Can the pain of bottom of foot be tackled?

Yes it can..If you find out actual cause of bottom foot pain you will encounter no any difficulty in taking the effective pain-relieving measures.The bottom of foot pain will thence-forward be no more a complication to fear from. You should not lose your heart provided you encounter a pain over the bottom of foot as massage, stretching and few anti-convulsion medicines are to help you recover from the trauma of your feet mostly affecting your foot.
What causes a foot pain?
It is the plantar fasciitis which causes a pain on the bottom of foot. Plantar fasciitis consists of thick tissues of ligaments belonging to the foot which causes a pain in the morning due to overnight stiffness of foot. Swelling and inflammation over the plantar fascia also are the causes a pain and great difficulty in walking. Withstanding a pressure of whole body the feet experience bottom of foot pain affecting the movement of the affected individual. Although weight of entire body is supposed to cause a pain over the bottom of foot, it can’t be the only reason causing a plantar pain as there are a few foot diseases or critical conditions of feet itself cause a pain over the bottom of foot.
A few common causes of pain on the bottom of foot are athletes foot, ingrown toenail, bone spur, hammertoe, bunion, traumatic nerve, etc. A few specific parts of foot such as top of the foot, bottom of foot, ball of foot and side of foot are affected from plantar pain. Poor blood circulation, chronic disease and diabetes are the additional conditions, responsible for causing a bottom pain. Chronic diabetes, injuries or diseases though are a few contributors in causing pain over the bottom of foot, shoes with thin soles and heavy weight of body also are found triggering a pain over the bottom of foot.
People should wear comfortable shoes manufactured by the world’s popular shoe-manufacturing company. As the shoe manufacturers keep many plantar complications uppermost in their mind, they develop comfy shoes efficient enough in accommodating the feet cozily and providing a great support to the legs. Believe it or not, the shoes people wear are responsible for causing a pain over foot affecting heel, toes, and bottom as well.
Conditions causing a pain on bottom of foot There are a few specific conditions responsible for causing a pain over the bottom of foot which many of the affected individuals do not happen to be aware of. Have a look at some of the common conditions causing ailment over the bottom of foot.

  • Capsulitis Inflammation- Such condition is responsible for causing inflammatory pain over the bottom of foot due to over-stretching impact over the ligaments of foot. The ligaments connecting the toe with metatarsal bone provided pass through an over-stretching effect, the bottom of foot pain accrues.
  • Metatarsalgia Pain- Such type of pain emerges over the bottom of foot due to a pressure exerted over the metatarsal bone.
  • Morton’s Neuroma- Injurious impact caused over the third and fourth toes also causes a pain, tingling, inflammation or numbness affecting specially the bottom of foot, a critical condition known as Morton’s Neuroma as well.
  • Plantar Fasciitis Inflammation- Plantar disease or infection also causes a pain over the bottom of foot due to inflammation emerging within the minutest tissues of ligaments belonging to the bottom of foot.
  • Turf Toe- This critical condition of foot develops due to a jerky impact over the toe. It is also known as athletic injuries
  • Athletes Foot.
  • Golf Injuries.
  • Ankle Sprains.
  • Heel Spurs.
  • Arch Pain.
  • Heel Pain.
  • Bunions.
  • High Arch.
  • Burning Feet.
  • Hard Skin.
  • Blisters.
  • Ingrown Nails.
  • Cold Feet.
  • Corns.
  • Foot Nails.
  • Cracked Heels.
  • Neuroma.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Pronation.
  • Fungus Nails.
  • Sesamoiditis.
  • Smelly Feet.
  • Shin Splints.
  • Bursitis.
Causes of Heel Pain
  • Metatarsalgia- It is a painful condition emerging due to pain over metatarsal region (aka ball of foot) mostly affecting the bottom of foot.
  • Plantar warts (Verruca)-Such type of condition emerges among both the adults and the children, for lesions are caused easily over the foot of children affecting them in this way of a pain of bottom of their feet.
  • Corns- Thickened skins of toes are denoted as corns causing a pain over the foot due to continuous friction within a claustrophobic space of shoe.
  • Obesity/heavy weight- People suffering from obesity or heavy weight of body are found susceptible to a foot pain which aggravates the complication especially over the bottom of foot. Middle aged people, pregnant ladies and fatty people encounter a vigorous pain over the bottom of their foot at large.
  • Running or jumping abruptly also contributes in the emergence of pain over the foot. 
  • Sporting activities– Sporting activities cause a jerky impact over the ligaments of feet and bones causing as a result a pain over plantar fascia, also known as bottom of foot pain. Athletes and sports persons experience pain of bottom over their foot due to sudden permutation of their ongoing practices. 
  • Tightness over the plantar fascia also causes a pain not only over the bottom of foot (plantar fascia) but calf muscles as well. 
  • Moving randomly and performing Russian ballets. 
  • A few arthritis such as osteoarthritus and rheumatoid arthritis also cause foot pain mostly affecting the bottom of foot.
Treatment of foot painIf you encounter foot pain engulfing the bottom of your entire feet a few effective therapies will be required to be applied. Rest, relaxation, application of ice cubes, heat compression, massage, elevation and a few OTC drugs are some of the effective treatments which can be opted for, depending upon the severity of a pain over the bottom of foot. As the random activities such as running or jumping abruptly or wearing uncomfortable shoes cause injuries to the tissues of ligaments, a few specific parts of foot, such as toes, heel and Achilles tendons are affected extensively causing a foot pain. But rest and massage is the most effective way to deal with a pain emerging over the bottom or sole of foot.

Treatment of foot painIf you encounter foot pain engulfing the bottom of your entire feet a few effective therapies will be required to be applied. Rest, relaxation, application of ice cubes, heat compression, massage, elevation and a few OTC drugs are some of the effective treatments which can be opted for, depending upon the severity of a pain over the bottom of foot. As the random activities such as running or jumping abruptly or wearing uncomfortable shoes cause injuries to the tissues of ligaments, a few specific parts of foot, such as toes, heel and Achilles tendons are affected extensively causing a foot pain. But rest and massage is the most effective way to deal with a pain emerging over the bottom or sole of foot.

  • Wear comfy shoes- Wear only the comfortable shoes with many layers of soft soles kept inside it.
  • Use support or crutches- If the gravity of bottom pain of your foot is too high and you can’t avoid your movement then you should take a support of crutches or shoulder of someone rather than tolerating a pain to move on.
  • Apply the ice- Applying the ice over pain-stricken foot provides a great relief from the inflammation or aching over Achilles tendons and plantar fascia. If a pain over the bottom of foot is too severe then you should keep applying the ice for not less than fifteen minutes of time. Let me tell you that ice should not be applied directly over the pain-stricken foot or tendons. Rather it should be placed in a plastic bag and then applied over the pain-affected regions of your foot. If you feel a comfort with ice pack, continue the therapy. But if you experience a discomfort or trauma remove the ice pack immediately.
  • Heat compression- If your foot has a swelling and clots of blood causing you a severe foot pain, heat compression should be opted for as it sets the inactive blood into motion reducing pain thereof much faster. 
  • Acetaminophen drugs- There are many effective pain-killer drugs available in the drug stores which you can use to get rid of foot pain.
  • Commercial foot pain-relieving products- There are many branded products also available in the market which you can consider in order to have a relief from your foot pain emerging either over the Achilles tendons or the plantar fascia. Some of the branded pain-relieving products are band-aid, donut pads and gel pads.
  • Last but not the least….keep you physically fit and strong enough to withstand all kinds of jerky impact over your feet. Apart from performing anaerobic exercises such as elliptical trainers, treadmill, you should perform sprint exercises as well like bicycling and swimming as such gentle exercises will keep bottom of foot pain at bay . taken from 'Bottom of foot pain - causes and treatments' 

Pain in foot

This Blogger is going to be used to help people who suffer from differing pain in their foot, in the hope that they find a way to deal with that pain and to understand why they have pain. Please feel free to comment on all posts and tell others how you are suffering from foot pain and what helps you. Being in pain is lonely and frightening and if you know if others are suffering then it may help you to cope with foot pain.